Ministry Description:

John & Missy serve Jesus Christ and share His hope with any who cross their path in Jos, Nigeria.

John & Missy serve at Grace Gardens - an outreach ministry to brothels in Jos. They also run a house that houses, disciples and cares for the needs of women and children who have been victims of human trafficking. Through Grace Gardens, they also minister to the needs of the persecuted church throughout Nigeria, which is one of the most persecuted countries in the world.

Another part of John's ministry is BAM (Business as Missions). He ships containers to Nigeria to help support the ministry and to bring in needed supplies for the ministry and other missionaries. He also trains local Nigerians and residents of Grace Gardens in business skills and how to use these skills to share the gospel.  

A few facts:

  • John & Missy met as students at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago.
  • Jos is a city of about a million people, but if you travel about 15 minutes from their house, you will be in the middle of a village where everyone lives in mud huts.
  • They live near the Equator, but the city is located high up on a plateau and is about 10 degrees cooler than the rest of the country.
  • Nigeria is home to over 350 tribes and each have their own language and cultural traditions.

What does your average day entail?

Well, we don't seem to have too many average days. Some days, I (Missy) am in brothels preaching the gospel. Other days I am in the hospital encouraging one of my ladies as she gives birth. I conduct Bible studies, oversee training of staff, oversee our discipleship & skills training program. I basically try my best to handle all the issues that come up at Grace Gardens. John spends a lot of time meeting with people and developing business relationships. He also oversees our office and shop that our Grace Gardens women run. His favorite thing to do is spend time wrestling with all the little kids at Grace Gardens. I think that is their favorite thing to do too!

What do you love about ministry?

My favorite thing is seeing women succeed. To watch the women graduate from our program and go out into the world as successful women who love the Lord - that is my joy! Seeing the kids at Grace Gardens smile and laugh - so many of them could not smile when they first came - is my greatest joy!    

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