God loves kids and so does New Castle Bible Church.
The value we place on children is reflected in our deep desire to partner with parents in nurturing Christ-followers at every age, every stage, and every home. The driving force behind our Castle Kids Sunday School, Children’s Church, Awana Clubs, Vacation Bible School, Joy Club (Special Needs), and seasonal events is the belief that God can save, lead, gift, and use children in unique ways.
Our Children’s Ministries are gospel-strong, family-focused, and packed with fun. Kids learn from caring adults who communicate God’s Word in ways kids can understand and apply at any age. Our desire is to lead kids toward heart change demonstrated in their genuine love for God and others – Christ’s greatest command.
“He answered: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, love your neighbor as yourself.’” ~Luke 10:27
Providing an environment in which kids feel loved, safe, and enjoyed is of high importance. To learn more about Sunday morning Child Check-In, please click here. To learn more about our KidSafe Policy as well as our guidelines for volunteers, download the Children's Ministry Handbook below. If you are interested in volunteering in Children's Ministry, please complete the application.
KidSafe Training
For those interested in working with children or students, please watch the KidSafe training video in it's entirety and then complete the "KidSafe Training Acknowledgement" form at the link below. A background check will be completed and then a church leader will contact you.

KidSafe Training