Men's Ministry
Leading men to discover then hold strong to what God has created them to be is the common thread that runs through the fabric of our Men’s Ministry.
Whether a gathering of three men or three-hundred, our focus is on people, not programs. We plan events around the purpose of proclaiming the Gospel and encouraging a life of authentic faith. Here are some of the ongoing events that provide those opportunities:
- Ironmen: It’s more than a cup of coffee and a pancake. Men gather to be challenged, encouraged, and strengthened as leaders of their home and followers of Christ.
- Conferences: Man Camp held at Miracle Camp and Retreat Center in southwest Michigan is a favorite fall destination.
- Discipleship Groups: Small groups of 3-5 men meet for Bible study, prayer, scripture memorization, and the mutual encouragement of brothers in the faith. Sign up by clicking here.
Called by God to lead well, love purely, and live to glorify God is a challenge best met with the support of a brother in the faith. At New Castle, men of all ages will find a community of godly mentors, friends, and pastors who share common ground in their journey of faith.

Join friends around the breakfast table for a hearty meal and great conversation. On the second Saturday of each month, men meet at the Goodfield building (201 E. Robinson) 7:00-8:30am to study and discuss God's Word together in order to sharpen and encourage each other on to greater Christlikeness in all areas of life.