Adult Discipleship Electives

Adult Discipleship Electives

Adult Discipleship Electives provide an opportunity to expand your understanding of the Bible. Classes are well-taught, practical, and varied. You’ll enjoy connecting with others around God’s Word each Sunday.

Every twelve weeks a new selection of outstanding electives are offered. Choose from topical studies that speak God’s Word into important areas of life or spend time focusing in on a specific book of the Bible.

Because we believe God uses His Word to transform lives, we place high value on sound teaching and practical application. Minds are renewed and hearts are made whole when biblical truths are embraced and lived out. We encourage you to take a look at the current list of electives being offered then choose the one that sparks your interest or speaks to an area of life you’d like to strengthen.

Generally, these classes focus on solid Biblical content, often working through books of the Bible and/or important matters of the faith such as doctrine, the attributes of God, and theology.

Descriptions of the current classes are listed below and are also available at the Welcome Desk in the North Commons.


Introduction to Biblical One-Anothering Josh Gerber
The Bible gives over 50 "one-another" commands. Many of us aren't aware of what these are, or how we are supposed to obey them. In this class, you will discover the importance of 11 "one-another" commands. At the end of the class, you will know how to apply these 11 "one-another's" to your life, and carry them out in your relationships with others.
The 11 "one-another" commands that will be taught are: burden-bearing, forgiving, confessing, living at peace, loving, showing honor, speaking the truth, serving, comforting, encouraging, showing hospitality, and praying for one-another.
Resource available for purchase (but not necessary): Scott, Stuart. 31 Ways to be a “One-Another Christian.”Wapwallopen, PA: Shepherd’s Press, 2019. 160 pages.
Lessons from the Upper Room Tysin Smith
Imagine that you have 5 hours with Jesus. What would you like for him to teach you? What questions would you like to ask him? In John 13-17, Jesus shares his heart with his disciples right before his death. Come join the disciples to learn about bearing fruit. Listen to Jesus pray for you. Watch him as he washes the feet of his betrayer. Groan with him as he prepares for his sacrificial death. And hope, as you see how Jesus promises help through the coming of the Holy Spirit.
Church Membership and Ministry Chad Leman and Mike Rassi
Learn more about the values and biblical truths that shape and drive us as a local church. You'll find this time to be informative, inspiring, and inviting as you consider taking the step of partnering with us in membership and in ministry.

Classes for High School, Junior High, children and nursery are available during this 9:30 hour.