Joy Club
Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well..
Created by God.
Wonderfully made.
Precious in His sight.
Joy Club reaches out to children who live with special needs and unique challenges that require extra assistance or attention.
Our Joy Club leaders will work with the parents to develop a personalized plan tailored to the child's individual abilities and skill level. Our goal is to come alongside the parents, providing a safe and loving environment where their child will learn about God during our various children's ministries. Caring adults who are trained in communicating and assisting those with special needs are available to accompany and assist the child in any way needed. Each week, students will experience the JOY of knowing they are created by God and dearly loved.
Help us learn how we can best serve your child and family by completing this form.
To learn more about participating in Joy Club as a volunteer, please complete the Ministry Opportunity Form.