For long years Isreal had been cold toward God. They had taken up with the Gods of the Philistines -- the very people they were supposed to have removed. They lost a battle with the PHilistines and lost the Ark of the Covenant! Twenty years later, after a return to the Lord, God gave them a victory over the Philistines and the prophet Samuel set up a stone of remembrance before them and called the stone Ebenezer -- the stone of help.""...
Christ's birth gives hope to hearts suffering in sin....
The resurrection of Jesus truly changes everything for believers!...
The resurrection of Jesus is foundation to Christian hope....
We are standing on a great hinge that swings between 2017 and 2018. You can look back on a year you can't change and ahead to a year that is a blank page. You haven't made a single mistake in 2018 yet! What do you have in mind for this new year?...