Believer's baptism is the public initiation of Christian discipleship by which the believer is immersed in water in God's Name as a visual symbol of an inward reality....
Because we have been reconciled to God, we stand in His grace and rejoice in His glory....
The motivation for action on the part of one person or group toward a goal will be reflected in the way they conduct themselves during the pursuit....
God has ordained a divine order for all of us--all mankind--and you can call it God's Rules for God's Roles if you wish. At every level God is in charge and no one is free to do as he pleases. Everyone answers to someone. Even Jesus did!...
Glorify God by doing good and submitting to God's delegated authorities....
Believers are blessed to be united with Jesus....
As a spiritual family, we are called by the Lord to concern ourselves with the spiritual progress of one another....