Realize the privilege of our salvation and the living hope we have through Jesus.
Carmen Rassi explains how to study the Bible in depth and get the most from your study sessions. She uses 1 Peter 1:1-2 as an example.
Carmen Rassi wraps up our study in Esther today, reminding us that God is always in control even when our situations seem completely out of control. Active and present in…
Carmen Rassi teaches Jane Hoffmire's lesson due to illness. We learn Mordecai's and Esther's response to the King's edict to wipe out the Jewish race. God's wisdom infuses the situation…
Carmen Rassi teaches a passage of Scripture that can be difficult to digest. Sexual immorality often leaves many victims in its wake. King Ahasueras rounds up all of the beautiful…
Carmen Rassi takes us through the rest of Colossians as Paul continues to encourage the Colossian Church even as he is being persecuted.
Carmen Rassi teaches what Paul means when he calls Christians to put to death sin and how to seek things above. Handouts: Three Trees Handout: Three-Trees (1) Renewing a Thought…
Carmen Rassi teaches how to use the workbook to get the most out of the Bible study.