God is working in and through New Castle Bible Church. Here are some recent updates...
Celebrate what God is doing in our midst! ...Nigeria Team report, parent/child dedications, and new members.
We have been forgiven! We are called to forgive. But forgiveness can be difficult...today we'll talk about six common struggles related to forgiveness.
God’s lavish forgiveness of us in Christ should lead to our willingness to generously forgive others.
The solution to our helplessness and wretchedness is freedom from condemnation because of the Christ and the indwelling Spirit.
God has been so faithful to us this past year. We want to recognize and celebrate his goodness and look ahead to where he is leading us in the upcoming…
Whether your marriage is thriving or barely surviving, this two-day event will bring greater hope, practical help, and strength to your marriage. You‘ll come away stronger as a partner and…
Whether your marriage is thriving or barely surviving, this two-day event will bring greater hope, practical help, and strength to your marriage. You‘ll come away stronger as a partner and…
Celebrating life at New Castle baptisms, new members, and growing families!
We care well for others in the church by bearing their burdens, by the grace of the greatest burden bearer, Jesus Christ.