When facing disappointment, doubt, or suffering, hope can be found in trusting God. Discover how to walk through times of struggle and come out stronger. Conference sessions will share hope, understanding, and tools for taking difficulties and turning them into victories of faith. Whether facing a personal valley, walking through one with a friend, or simply growing in your understanding of how to view suffering this two-day conference will be time well spent. Nursery and childcare through 6th grade will be available.
Friday, September 29:
6:00-6:30 - Welcome and Dinner
6:30-7:15 -Session 1: Hope in Suffering
7:15-8:00 - Session 2: Fighting Self Pity, Envy, & Doubt
Saturday, September 30:
8:00-8:15 - Welcome and Coffee/Doughnuts
8:15-9:00 - Session 1: Trusting God in Discouraging Times
9:00-9:15 - Break
9:15-10:00 - Session 2: Suffering Like Jesus
10:00-10:15 - Break
10:15-11:00 - Session 3: What If There is No Cure? Encouragement in Chronic Suffering
11:00-11:15 - Closing and Dismiss
Resources for Churches
We have compiled these resources for your convenience, aiming to assist you in informing your congregation about this conference.
Social Media Post
When facing disappointment, doubt, or suffering, hope can be found in trusting God. Discover how to walk through times of struggle and come out stronger. Conference sessions will share hope, understanding, and tools for taking difficulties and turning them into victories of faith. Whether facing a personal valley, walking through one with a friend, or simply growing in your understanding of how to view suffering this two-day conference will be time well spent. Nursery and childcare through 6th grade will be available. Learn more by visiting https://myncbc.org/2023/08/walking-through-the-valley-a-conference-on-suffering/
Verbal announcement
"Walking Through the Valley" is a two-day conference designed to encourage and give personal hope as well as help those we walk alongside who are facing times of discouragement, doubt, or suffering. The conference begins on Friday evening, September 29th with dinner provided, and Saturday morning, September 30th, donuts and coffee will be available. Nursery and childcare through 6th grade is offered. Go to MyNCBC.org for more information and to register.