Kelli Gerber takes us through Jesus being annointed by a woman with a flask of ointment, Judas' plan of betrayal, the last supper, the institution of the Lord's Supper, and…
Carmen Rassi helps us understand a passage that often brings up many questions. Download this handout to aid in your study as you listen to the teaching - Handout Week…
Learn from Christy O'Neill how the curse of the fig tree and Jesus cleansing the Temple are related. Discover interesting details that enrich this passage of Scripture. These two pictures…
Mark 10:17-52 might seem like a collection of unrelated events, but Amanda Mettelmann helps us discover the powerful connections that weave them together.
Joy Koch takes us through this passage that covers several different lessons.
Jane Hoffmire teaches today and delves deeper into Jesus' miracles and teachings as He continues to train the disciples to begin His church.
Joy Koch helps us gain additional understanding about Jesus' strange response to the Syrophoenician woman about not throwing the children's bread to the dogs. There is much to learn from…