Mark 10:17-52 might seem like a collection of unrelated events, but Amanda Mettelmann helps us discover the powerful connections that weave them together.
Joy Koch takes us through this passage that covers several different lessons.
Jane Hoffmire teaches today and delves deeper into Jesus' miracles and teachings as He continues to train the disciples to begin His church.
Joy Koch helps us gain additional understanding about Jesus' strange response to the Syrophoenician woman about not throwing the children's bread to the dogs. There is much to learn from…
Amanda Mettelmann helps us understand Mark 6:30-56. The disciples learn more about Jesus as He continues to work out their faith through the feeding of the 5000, walking on water,…
Carmen Rassi takes us through Jesus' rejection in his hometown, the twelve being sent out, and the death of John the Baptist.
Joy Koch shares about the four miracles in this passage, the strong faith of some, the unbelief of others, and the compassion and love of Jesus.
Karen Hutchison delves further into "hearing" the Word. Find helpful study notes to accompany her teaching by clicking here.