Whether you are a lifelong follower of Jesus who is looking for a place to worship and serve or someone taking first steps of faith – or somewhere in-between – WELCOME!
As you explore the pages that follow, you’ll discover helpful information about our Sunday services, ministries, values, and mission. But more than learning what we do, our hope is that you discover who we are – a thriving family of Christ followers from a variety of communities, walks of life, and seasons of faith. Whatever your story, there’s someone at New Castle who shares a similar one. We hope you find a warm welcome and an open door as you get to know the family of faith known as, New Castle Bible Church.
Plan your experience today and we will:
- Give you more information about the service
- Connect and answer any questions
- Help you pre-register kids, if needed
- Meet you at the door and show you around
- Provide you with a welcome bag that contains gifts and more information about the church
- We'll even sit with you
Our Campus
Main Building
The main church building may be entered from the north of south. The north entrance provides quick access to the Family Center where worship takes place each Sunday. The main building houses the children's classrooms, Chapel, Resource Center, and the church and staff offices.
The Intersection
The Intersection building sits to the west of our main church building. This multi-purpose facility sees all types of activity. The primary use is student ministries: jr. high, high school & college & young adults. It is also used for many other activities and groups including some of our Life Groups, Senior's Over Sixty participants, and local community groups.
Take a Virtual 360° Tour
Areas of Interest
Intersection Cafe
Free coffee is available each Sunday in the Fireside Commons and in the Cafe. However, if you are hoping for something special, consider purchasing a latte or chiller at the Intersection Cafe. Muffins, candy, and other snacks are also available for purchase.
The Intersection Cafe is open:
- Sundays 9:00-10:45am
- Wednesdays (September through April) 6:30-8:00pm
Resource Center
Our Resource Center is located in the Fireside Commons. You’ll find exceptional reading material on key topics that impact your faith journey, resources that correlate with the current sermon series, and pamphlets that target a wide range of topics. All of the materials are authored by trusted men and women who write with the goal of leading the reader back to the source of all wisdom and direction – the God-breathed scriptures.
Mother's Lounge
We are privileged to welcome moms with babies to our dedicated Mother's Lounge, located just inside the nursery doors to the right!
This cozy, nurturing space is designed with moms and their little ones in mind. Whether you need a quiet moment to nurse, change a diaper, or simply take a breather, our Mother's Lounge is here for you.
Scott Gnuse
Pastor of Teaching & Leadership
Josh Gerber
Pastor of Care & Discipleship
Seth Swartzendruber
Pastor of Student Ministries